Determinism, Probability and Conditionals

The School of Philosophy at the ANU gratefully acknowledges the support of the Thinking Trust Endowment for the Determinism, Probability and Conditionals workshop, held on 3 July, 2015. It was made possible by a generous donation from Brett and Cheryl Garvan, in memory of their father Kenneth. He was interested in determinism, and wrote a book on themes relating to it. Each of the speakers was given a copy, and another copy was placed in the Benjamin Library. We are grateful for those, too.

The workshop brough together speakers known internationally for their work on topics associated with the theme and the night was a success. See below for photos from the event. 

Public lecture supported by: Thinking Trust Endowment


Keynote speaker: Dr Rachael Briggs (Australian National University and Stanford University): delivering Chances of Impossibilities, the Kenneth Garven Lecture as part of the inaugural Determinism, Probability and Conditionals workshop. 


Antony Eagle (University of Adelaide): Settledness, Determinism, and Chance.


Helen Beebee (University of Manchester): Determinism, Interventions and Exceptions.


Dr Hanti Lin (Australian National University and University of California, Davis): Counterfactuals, Graphical Models, and Indeterminism.


Mark Colyvan (University of Sydney): Counterpossibles in Mathematics. 


Date & time

Fri 03 Jul 2015, 9:30am to 5:00pm


Hedley Bull Theatre 2, School of Philosophy


Australian National University


Updated:  12 February 2016/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications