Revelation (concerning a property) is the thesis that the nature of that property is revealed to us, or at least that it is knowable under certain conditions. Humility (concerning a property) is the thesis that the nature of that property is not knowable by us, or at least that it is not knowable by certain methods. Many philosophers hold revelation about mental properties, and many philosophers hold humility about fundamental physical properties. Sometimes the theses are combined, with consequences for the mind-body problem. The papers at this conference discussed the revelation and humility theses, separately and together.
David Chalmers' reflections on the conference can be found on his blog.
9.45am, Reception
10.00am-12.00pm, Daniel Stoljar (ANU), 'Lewis on Revelation' [pdf, 125kb]
1.30-3.30pm, Derk Pereboom (Vermont), 'The Nature of Fundamental Instrinsic Properties' [word, 83kb]
4.00-6.00pm, David Chalmers (ANU), 'Revelation, Humility, and the Structure of the World' [powerpoint, 134kb]