Epistemic possibility and necessity have received less philosophical attention than logical, metaphysical, and nomological possibility and necessity. But in recent years this has begun to change. Philosophers have focused on issues such as (i) what is it for a proposition to be epistemically possible, (ii) what are the semantic properties of epistemic modals such as "might", (iii) what is the relationship between epistemic and metaphysical possibility, and (iv) can one give an analysis of epistemic modality that parallels the familiar world-involving analysis of metaphysical modality. This workshop focussed on all of these topics.
Comments on this conference can be found on David Chalmers' blog.
Thursday, 22 June
10am, Reception
10.15am, Frank Jackons (ANU), 'On Distributing Credence over Named Entities'
1.30pm, Andy Egan (ANU/Michigan) 'Epistemic Modals are Weird'
3.45pm, Matt Weiner (Texas Tech), 'The Uses of Relativism'
5.30pm, Drinks
Friday, 23 June
10.15am, Seth Yalcin (MIT), 'A Paradox of Epistemic Modality'
1.30pm, Jonathan Schaffer (Massachussets), 'Context Sensitivities, Epistemic Modals, and the KGB'
3.45pm, David Chalmers (ANU), 'Epistemic Space and Epistemic Rigidity'
5.30pm, Drinks
7.30pm, Conference dinner