Centre for Philosophy of the Sciences title

The interdisciplinary Centre for Philosophy of the Sciences in the School of Philosophy, RSSS at ANU brings together like-minded scholars from across the university to work on topics such as the nature of cognition, the evolution of cooperation, the ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the nature of causation, and decision making in science and public policy. Established in 2017, the CPS hosts a variety of reading groups, workshops, seminars and visiting scholars annually and builds upon ANU's strong international reputation in empirically informed philosophy.
Stay in Touch
See our Events pages for details about upcoming workshops and other events, and the Contact page for how to get in touch. If you would like to be notified about future events, please follow the links below to subscribe to one of our mailing lists.
CPS public events mailing list
For information about all of our public lectures and other events of interest to the general Canberra community: http://eepurl.com/c1Bc7b
CPS all events mailing list
For information about all our events. This includes our public lectures as well as workshops, lectures and readings groups aimed at an academic audience: http://eepurl.com/cZ6oUT
School of Philosophy social media
You can also find information about the CPS and our current activities at the ANU philosophy Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/philosophyanu) and the ANU Philosophy Twitter feed (@anu_philosophy).