Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Evolution of Religion
Workshop schedule:
*** Friday November 3 ***
9:45 – 11am
Peter Hiscock
(Department of Archaeology, The University of Sydney)
Dynamism, Structure and Adaptability in Forager Religions
11:15 – 12:30
Rita McNamara
(School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington)
Minds of Gods and Human Cognitive Constraints:
Socio-ecological context shapes belief.
2pm – 3:15
Carl Brusse
(School of Philosophy, The Australian National University)
Signalling and Pseudo-signalling Explanations of Religion.
3:45 – 5pm
Paul Seabright
(Toulouse School of Economics, & Institute for Advanced Study)
Understanding Religious Organisations as Competing Platforms
*** Saturday November 4 ***
9:45 – 11am
Toby Handfield
(Department of Philosophy, Monash University)
Sacred Value and Signalling: Testing Models in the Lab
Kim Sterelny
(School of Philosophy, The Australian National University)
Religion, Social Complexity and the Neolithic Transition
2:30 – 3:45
Stephen Stich
(Dept. of Philosophy & Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University)
Did Religion Play a Role in the Evolution of Morality?
4:15 – 5:30
Russell Gray
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History,
& University of Auckland)
The Cultural Evolution of Religion
9:45 – 11am
Peter Hiscock
(Department of Archaeology, The University of Sydney)
Dynamism, Structure and Adaptability in Forager Religions
11:15 – 12:30
Rita McNamara
(School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington)
Minds of Gods and Human Cognitive Constraints:
Socio-ecological context shapes belief.
2pm – 3:15
Carl Brusse
(School of Philosophy, The Australian National University)
Signalling and Pseudo-signalling Explanations of Religion.
3:45 – 5pm
Paul Seabright
(Toulouse School of Economics, & Institute for Advanced Study)
Understanding Religious Organisations as Competing Platforms
*** Saturday November 4 ***
9:45 – 11am
Toby Handfield
(Department of Philosophy, Monash University)
Sacred Value and Signalling: Testing Models in the Lab
Kim Sterelny
(School of Philosophy, The Australian National University)
Religion, Social Complexity and the Neolithic Transition
2:30 – 3:45
Stephen Stich
(Dept. of Philosophy & Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University)
Did Religion Play a Role in the Evolution of Morality?
4:15 – 5:30
Russell Gray
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History,
& University of Auckland)
The Cultural Evolution of Religion
Thanks to those who attended, papers from this workshop will be published in a forthcoming special edition of the Religion, Brain & Behavior.
HC Coombs Building Extension (ANU building #8) room 1.04
- Peter Hiscock
- Rita McNamara
- Carl Brusse
- Paul Seabright
- Toby Handfield
- Kim Sterelny
- Stephen Stich
- Russell Gray
Event Series
- Carl Brusse