John Zerilli (ANU): Psychological and neuroscientific levels: Sizing up recent debates
The past fifteen years have witnessed a revival of interest in multiple realization and multiply realized kinds, most of it highly critical. After providing an overview of this anti-MR literature, I set out what I consider to be a significant concern regarding the ontology of levels that bodes…
Celebrate the career and contribution to the ANU of Emeritus Professor Frank Jackson
The School of Philosophy warmly invites you to celebrate the career and contribution to the ANU of Emeritus Professor Frank Jackson in a Public Lecture: ‘What physicalists have to say about the knowledge argument’ (Link to poster) Reception following in Coombs Extension Foyer RSVP Monday 27th…
The program for this week's ANU workshop on Philosophical Progress is now available. The workshop will be held on Thursday July 3 and Friday July 4 in the Innovations Lecture Theatre (in the Innovations Building off Garran Road near University House). The workshop is organized by…
Finding Space in a Nonspatial World, Professor David Chalmers, Centre for Consciousness, ANU
We experience a world of three-dimensional space in one-dimensional time. How can we locate this experienced world in the different picture of space and time given by physics? Relativity yields a four-dimensional spacetime in which space is not absolute, and physicists entertain…
The Language of Consciousness
This conference focuses on the language used to describe consciousness, including especially the language of "what it is like" and perceptual reports. Speakers include David Bourget, Wylie Breckenridge, Berit Brogaard, Jonathan Farrell, and Daniel Stoljar. Program Thursday July 28 9.30-11.00:…
Consciousness and the Vegetative State
The workshop will bring together philosophers and scientists to discuss foundational issues about consciousness raised by studies of patients diagnosed with vegetative state, as well as related disorders such as the minimally conscious state and locked-in syndrome. A particular focus…