Revelation and Humility: Our Knowledge of Mental and Physical Properties
Revelation (concerning a property) is the thesis that the nature of that property is revealed to us, or at least that it is knowable under certain conditions. Humility (concerning a property) is the thesis that the nature of that property is not knowable by us, or at least that it is not…
Metametaphysics: Do Ontological Questions have Determinate Answers?
The focus of this workshop will be on the debate between broadly realist and broadly deflationary approaches to questions of existence: must there be a fact of the matter about whether numbers exist, say, or about whether mereological sums exist? Program Thursday, 30 June 9…
Concepts and Conceptual Analysis
The focus of this conference will be on the nature of concepts and on the nature of conceptual analysis, and especially on the relationship between these two issues. Program Thursday, 20 January 1-3pm, David Braddon-Mitchell (Sydney), 'What Do We Need From a Theory of Concepts' 3.…
The Contents of Consciousness
The inaugural workshop for the ANU Centre for Consciousness, on the topic of its Federation Fellowship project, The Contents of Consciousness. Program 10amOpening 10.20am-12pmFrank Jackson (ANU), 'The Path to Intentionalism' 1-2.40pmAdam Pautz (ANU/Texas), 'The Relational Structure…