Attention and Consciousness
The focus of the workshop will be on the relationship between the attention and consciousness. Questions to be address include: Can there be consciousness without attention? Can there be attention without consciousness? Are there separate neural bases for consciousness and for…
Hyperintensionality and Impossible Worlds
The conference will focus on hyperintensionality, impossible worlds, and on the connection between the two. A particular focus will be the use of impossible worlds in understanding hyperintensionality: for example, in providing fine-grained accounts of meaning and content that distinguish…
Experimental Philosophy Meets Conceptual Analysis
The focus of the conference will be on recent work on experimental philosophy, especially the experimental study of philosophical intuitions, and its relationship to more traditional philosophical methods such as conceptual analysis. Speakers will include John Doris, Joshua Knobe, Stephen…
Phenomenology and Intentionality
This one day workshop will focus on the relationship between the phenomenal character and the intentional content of conscious experience. Program 9.30am, Coffee 10.00am-12.00pm, Susanna Siegel (Harvard), 'Do Experiences Have Contents?' 1.30-3.30pm, Adam Pautz (ANU/Texas), 'The…
Time and Consciousness
This conference will be held jointly with the Centre for Time in Sydney. Full conference details. David Chalmers' reflections on this conference can be found on his blog.
Epistemic Modality
Epistemic possibility and necessity have received less philosophical attention than logical, metaphysical, and nomological possibility and necessity. But in recent years this has begun to change. Philosophers have focused on issues such as (i) what is it for a proposition to be epistemically…