Upcoming talks in the Philosophy Departmental Seminar Series are listed below. Seminars are held on Thursdays (unless indicated on the schedule) from 3:30-5:00pm in the Auditorium, Level 1, RSSS Building. They're followed by tea and a casual dinner within walking distance of campus. All are welcome.
The 2025 seminar convenor is Alex Duval (alexandre.duval@anu.edu.au).
Other philosophy seminars at ANU
- The ANU Philosophy Society (Philsoc), which is run by ANU Philosophy students, also operates a seminar series, on Tuesdays. Papers are read by students, staff and visitors, and there is wine and snacks.
- The Centre for Consciousness has regular seminars, most of which are part of the RSSS Thursday Seminar Series or the ANU Philosophy Society series.
- The Automated Reasoning Project has occasional seminars on logic that may be of interest to philosophers.
Seminar announcements
Announcements of forthcoming meetings of all four seminar series are distributed by means of the philsoc list. To join the philsoc mailing list or unsubscribe from it, click here.
- Alexandre Duval
Past Events
Decision Theory Presupposes Free Will
Professor Christian List (LMU Munich)
This paper argues that decision theory presupposes free will. Although decision theorists seldom acknowledge this, the way decision theory represents…
Moral powers and institutional norms
Professor Laura Valentini (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
It is a familiar fact about social life that, by doing things like entering into contracts, getting married, consenting, and the like, we can change…
Health and function, or what if I want to open the black box?
Professor Dominic Murphy (University of Sydney)
The concept of health resides in a space bounded by two other concepts. On one side, there is the terrain contested by the concepts of health and…