How to apply for visiting status in the School of Philosophy
If you would like to apply for visiting status in the School of Philosophy please read the following information.
The School values highly the contribution made to scholarly life by its visiting academics and has a number of Visitors from interstate and overseas each year with stays ranging from days to a year. ANU is a great place to conduct research, and there's a lively program of seminars. Many distinguished philosophers have been Visiting Fellows in Philosophy over the years.
Before Applying
All potential visitors should, before applying to visit, make contact with an academic sponsor in the School of Philosophy who will support their application. See a list of staff and their research interests.
We consider the following when deciding on applications: the standing of the applicant; the quality of their work; and the extent to which their work will enhance the academic life of the School.
Once you have a sponsor email your contact information together with a short CV (no more than four pages), and a covering letter outlining your research project and what resources you hope to access.
If you are a student intending to visit ANU please make initial contact through the HDR Convenor. You will also need a letter of support from your supervisor.
If you are an academic wishing to visit the School of Philosophy contact the Head of School, please also Cc into your email.
Visiting Fellows
The Research School of Social Sciences administers the Visiting Fellows Program. Applications are considered by the Directorate twice yearly and should be received 12 months prior to the proposed visit. With advance notice of a year, some visitors whose work ties particularly closely with that of their academic sponsors may be able to apply for some funding towards their visit.
Visiting Fellows within the School of Philosophy
Facilities for Visitors
We provide visitors with library privileges, e-mail and web acess. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own laptop computers to continue their research and writing while in residence. Subject to availability, shared access to office space, a computer, and limited photocopying may be provided.
In return for our support, we expect visitors to participate in seminars, to consult with interested graduate students, and to participate in the general life of the School. We also ask you to report promptly on any publications resulting from the research you conduct while a visitor.
Visa Requirements
It is your responsibility to ensure the correct visa type is obtained for your visit to Australia. Further information is available from the Department of Home Affairs. We also recommend you contact your embassy to arrange and confirm the correct visa for your personal situation.
International status holders are not covered for travel or health insurance. Most visas require either private insurance arrangements or a reciprocal agreement between your home country and Australia. Some countries do have reciprocal health care agreements with Australia, which provide some limited coverage, generally for emergency situations. To establish if you are eligible for these arrangements and the level of cover provided, please visit the Medicare Australia website.