The School of Philosophy welcomes Professor Mark Schroeder as the presenter and keynote speaker of the 2019 Passmore Lecture.
Professor Mark Schroeder prepared the following abstract outlining his goal for the lecture:
This talk will be about how people – even well-meaning people – can fail to understand one another in ways that are systematically difficult to escape. The systematic lack of understanding in which I am interested is plausibly manifested in the extreme political polarization that we see in the twenty-first century. But it is also plausibly manifested is less extreme forms even within loving relationships. My goal in the talk is to offer a rationalizing explanation of one way in which such mutual misunderstandings can manifest – one that makes intelligible how even loving and well-meaning people can fail to fully understand one another. The key ingredient in this explanation is an account of a novel and underappreciated kind of silencing.
The lecture will be held on August 5 from at 5pm in the Innovations Theatre at the Crawford School.
You can register for the event here: