Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Evolution of Religion
Workshop schedule: *** Friday November 3 ***9:45 – 11am Peter Hiscock (Department of Archaeology, The University of Sydney) Dynamism, Structure and Adaptability in Forager…
Design Principles for Evolvability: Re-Use Across the Sciences
The Centre for Philosophy of the Sciences, School of Philosophy, ANU presents"Design Principles for Evolvability: Re-Use Across the Sciences". Change in complex systems often involves the re-use of pre-existing materials. The acquisition of print-reading in humans, for example, involves the…
CPS/RSB joint seminar: Ben Kerr: Altruistic moves inside spiteful games - The ecology and evolution of bacterial toxins
Nearly every major bacterial lineage studied to date possesses strains that produce protein-based toxins that are thought to function as anti-competitor compounds. Toxin production occurs stochastically and often involves lysis of the producing cell. Such lysis can be seen as a form of indirect…
Public Lecture: Animal Bodies & Animal Minds - Launching the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences
Abstract: The brains, and hence minds, of animals evolved to complement their bodies. The diversity of those bodies, and their histories, tell us something about the nature and origins of the mind. This lecture will discuss a range of cases, with special attention to the octopus. Bio: Peter…