Emily Leijer

Emily  Leijer

Position: Current PhD Student

School: School of Philosophy

Email: Emily.Leijer@anu.edu.au

Before starting at ANU in 2021, I completed an MA in Political Theory at the University of Exeter and a Bsc/BA in Computer Science and International Relations at the University of Sydney. My PhD research concerns the social and political dimensions of the speech act of prediction. I am also a part of the Humanising Machine Intelligence project and the Machine Intelligence and Normative Theory lab group.

Panel Members: Seth Lazar (chair), Katie Steele, Garrett Cullity & Philip Pettit.

Social & Political Philosophy; Applied Ethics of Speech; Philosophy of AI

As tutor:

PHIL1005 - Logic and Critical Thinking

PHIL2290 - Philosophy, AI and Society

PHIL3075 - Philosophy of Gender

Updated:  26 July 2023/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications