Jake Stone

Jake Stone

Position: Current PhD Student

School: School of Philosophy

Email: Jake.Stone@anu.edu.au

Location: Level 6, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Crescent


Master of Data Science

Bachelor of Arts (Hons)

Bachelor of Laws (Hons)

Thesis title: Predictive justice: a theory of ethical automated decision making

Working with the Humanising Machine Intelligence Project Jake’s research explores the intersection of the ethics, regulation, and implementation of artificial intelligence. His current work focuses developing a theory of predictive justice to guide the use of automated decision making in industry.

Fairness, accountability, and transparency (especially statistical criteria of fairness), natural language processing, privacy, and regulatory compliance.

ANU University Research Scholarship

Long-Term Future Fund Grant for the study of artificial intelligence and philosophy with the University of Cambridge

Undergraduate Awards Highly Commended Entrant

Quentin Gibson Prize for Philosophy

Chancellor’s Letter of Commendation

Bob Meyer Memorial Scholarship for the study of logic

Updated:  22 September 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications