Cognition on the Edge of Chaos: The Free Energy Principle - Inês Hipólito

Cognition on the Edge of Chaos: The Free Energy Principle - Inês Hipólito
Image by Who is Danny on Adobe Stock

Cognition stands as one of the most formidable challenges in scientific inquiry. Living organisms exhibit behaviour teetering on the precipice of chaos. The Free Energy Principle (FEP) has been proposed as a pertinent approach to apprehending cognition. Conventional discourse on the FEP characterises the brain as a predictive apparatus. Instead, I posit that while predictive coding is a valuable tool for deciphering the conduct of complex systems, living systems do not function as detached computational prognosticators. Given their dual status as operationally closed and open systems, they exist in a state of delicacy, fostering an unbroken and pivotal interplay with their surroundings. This state of affairs, amenable to scientific explication through the FEP, provides a nuanced understanding of cognition within living systems.

Date & time

Thu 28 Mar 2024, 2:00pm to 3:30pm


Level 1 Auditorium (1.28), RSSS Building 146 Ellery Cres. Acton 2601, ACT


Inês Hipólito


Michael Barnes


Updated:  19 March 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications