Recognition and Recruitment in Overt Dogwhistles - Alnica Visser

Recognition and Recruitment in Overt Dogwhistles - Alnica Visser
Image By Andrii Yalanskyi (Adobe Stock)

Alnica argues for a distinction between two types of overt dogwhistles. The first, which Alnica calls sense codes, are overt dogwhistles that carry at least two plausible significances, at least one of which is innocent and generally known and thus available to run cover for its other more sinister significance known only to so-called “insiders.”

The second, which Alnica calls nonsense codes, carry no such generally known significance. In this case, it is the general appearance of insignificance that runs cover for the more sinister significance available to insiders. Alnica argues that while this distinction may appear rather minor, it in fact carries an important consequence for the possible roles overt dogwhistles can play in the spread of harmful ideology. In particular, Alnica will show that only sense codes can recruit new members to the insider group. Nonsense codes, by contrast, can only ever allow fellow existing insiders to recognise one another.

Date & time

Thu 08 Aug 2024, 3:30pm to 5:00pm


Level 1 Auditorium (1.28), RSSS Building 146 Ellery Cres. Acton 2601, ACT


Alnica Visser


Michael Barnes


Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications